We had our daughter visit with her husband on Sunday and during the afternoon, she requested that I get out some of our old photo albums. She said that she wanted to show the photos to her husband so that he could see the way various members of our family looked in the past. I was more than pleased to do so as I love to look through these albums and to reminisce.
At one point I started to think how good it would be to create a photo collage of how our appearance changes as we age. It would mean that instead of only seeing these changes once in a blue moon, we could see them as often as we liked via this framed photo collage.
Ways to fondly remember the past and to preserve the memories long-term
My daughter noticed a photo that had been taken when she was just four years old. How I have changed, she said with a big smile on her face. She is now thirty-one and I thought how we could have a section of the photo collage that included photos of when she was one, eleven, twenty-one, and thirty-one. We could do the same with other members of our immediate family within the same photo collage.
Some people might think that it could be somewhat depressing for the members of the family who are retired to look back at pictures of themselves when they were a lot younger. For some, it might be but I believe that the majority would see it for what it is, which is a bit of fun. I watched a program recently on one of the streaming platforms where it described a survey that had been carried out where it asked members of the public in all of the different age groups whether they would like to go back to when they were five years of age and to live their life again. Over ninety per cent said that they would decline such an offer. For me, this shows that certain people may well miss their youthful look but that in reality they are happy with where they are in life and are also content with the choices they have made, therefore, there is no reason for them to be depressed when looking at this type of photo collage.
I have been asked numerous times by the youngest members of our family how certain people looked when they were a baby or when they were a child, or a young adult. This type of photo collage would mean that they would not need to ask this question as they could see for themselves just by viewing it. It would not stop me from bringing out the old photo albums for everyone to view from time to time as there are many incredible photos to view. Unless I created different themed photo collages for these photos as well! I might need to buy a bigger house to have the space to hang all of these collages!